Sampling Strategies

class sweetpea.Gen

Abstract class for a sampling strategy (i.e., a generator of trials).

A subclass of Gen can be used instead of an instance to mean the same sampling strategy as an instance with default arguments.

Uniformity: Different subclasses of Gen provide different guarantees about coverage of the space of possible trial sequences. A guarantee of uniformity means that is a single trial sequence is requested via synthesize_trials(), the generated sequence is chosen randomly among all trial sequences that fit the constraints of the experiment definition, and all such trial sequences are eqaully likely to be reported.

Replacement: Different subclasses of Gen provide different behaviors when multiple trial sequences are requested with a single call to synthesize_trials(). Some strategies sample with replacement, producing independently chosen results. Others sample without replacement, which means they are potentially capable of counting the total number of trial sequences that satisfy the experiment’s constraints.

class sweetpea.UniformGen

Automatically selects among strategies that provide uniformity.

Uniformity: Generates trials with a guarantee of uniformity, a long as only one trial sequence is requested at a time.

Unspecified Replacement: Generating multiple trials sequences in a call to synthesize_trials() may or may not produce independent results.

class sweetpea.IterateGen

Automatically selects among strategies that implement non-replacement for a single request of multiple experiments, but the strategy may or may not provide uniformity for a single experiment.

Unspecified Uniformity: Might not sample uniformly among possible experiments.

Without Replacement: Generating multiple trials in one call to synthesize_trials() produces a list of distinct trial sequences. The number of returned experiments will be less than the requested number if the pool of possible trial sequences is exhausted.

class sweetpea.UniGen

Uniformity: Generates trials with a guarantee of uniformity. Unfortunately, due to the difficulty of sampling with a guarantee, this stategy is unlikely to succeed for non-trial designs.

Replacement: Generating multiple trials in one call to synthesize_trials() produces independent results. That is, the single call is the same as separate calls that each generate one sequence of trials.

class sweetpea.CMSGen

Quasi-Uniformity: Generates trials that appear to be uniformly chosen based on the available technology for detecting non-uniformity. This strategy may perform well in terms of sampling possible configurations, despite a having no formal guarantee of uniformity.

Replacement: Generating multiple trials in one call to synthesize_trials() produces independent results. That is, the single call is the same as separate calls that each generate one sequence of trials.

class sweetpea.RandomGen(acceptable_error=0)

Uniformity: Generates trials with a guarantee of uniformity. Constraints or derived factors with a window greater than 1 can force generation to use rejection sampling, which may fail to find instances in a reasonable time if the search space is large.

Without Replacement: When multiple trials are generated in one call to synthesize_trials(), each of the results is constrained to be distinct. The number of returned experiments will be less than the requested number if the pool of possible trial sequences is exhausted.


acceptable_error (int) – With derived factors in the crossing, a number of combinations with those levels that are allowed to be missing (in which case other combinations will be duplicated); this parameter weakens the rejection step of rejection sampling, which can be useful when samples that match all constraints of the experiment prove difficult to find

class sweetpea.IterateSATGen

Non-Uniformity: Generates trials by repeatedly finding solutions to an experiment design’s constraints, but with no guarantee of uniform coverage or even randomness (i.e., each separate use of synthesize_trials() with this stragegy may produce the same result).

Without Replacement: When multiple trials are generated in one call to synthesize_trials(), each of the results is constrained to be distinct. The number of returned experiments will be less than the requested number if the pool of possible trial sequences is exhausted.

class sweetpea.IterateILPGen

Like IterateSATGen, but uses Gurobi and requires that the gurobipy package has been installed.

Non-Uniformity: Generates trials by repeatedly finding solutions to an experiment design’s constraints, but with no guarantee of uniform coverage or even randomness (i.e., each separate use of synthesize_trials() with this stragegy may produce the same result).

Without Replacement: When multiple trials are generated in one call to synthesize_trials(), each of the results is constrained to be distinct. The number of returned experiments will be less than the requested number if the pool of possible trial sequences is exhausted.